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Helen by H.D. Analysis

About the Poet Hilda Doolittle, known as H.D., was an American poet, novelist, and memoirist linked to the early 20th-century Imagist movement. Her writing frequently delves into themes like gender, identity, mythology, and spirituality. Drawing significant inspiration from Greek mythology,… Read More »Helen by H.D. Analysis

Eurydice by H.D. Summary

About the poet Hilda Doolittle, known as H.D., was an American poet, novelist, and memoirist linked to the early 20th-century Imagist movement. Her writing frequently delves into themes like gender, identity, mythology, and spirituality. Drawing significant inspiration from Greek mythology,… Read More »Eurydice by H.D. Summary

Story of Bhubaneshwri Bhaduri in Spivak’s Can the Subaltern Speak?

In her influential work Can the Subaltern Speak?, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak examines how marginalized groups, particularly women, are silenced by systems of power. She highlights two types of representation. The first, “representation as speaking for,” involves political advocacy, where a… Read More »Story of Bhubaneshwri Bhaduri in Spivak’s Can the Subaltern Speak?