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Letter to the Editor complaining about Frequent Load Shedding


The Editor

The Assam Tribune,

Guwahati 781003

Sub : Frequent load Shedding


With utmost sincerity, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities about the frequent load shedding in Beltola area. I have been living in Beltola since last ten years, and I’ve observed that the problem of load Shedding has been occurring since a long time. However, the power cut has increased to longer hours during the past six months in this locality. Without electricity, it is almost impossible to carry on with our daily livelihood. The students who are preparing for the upcoming board exams are forced to study in the light of a candle, since the power stays out for long hours.

We have already complained about the issue to the Electricity Department numerous times. However they have not concluded into a final solution for the problem yet. It is noticed that the load shedding might be a cause due to the old transformers which keep breaking down frequently.

With the help of your esteemed daily, I hope the problem comes to the light and the responsible authorities understand about our problems and repair the broken transformers as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Shikha Saikia

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